Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dragons Egg By: Sarah L. Thomson

This quick read is about a girl named Mella who has been raised to be a dragon keeper.  In her world dragons are kept as pets for those who are able to train them.  She soon encounters a dragon slayer and has to keep a dragon’s egg safe while traveling to the hatching grounds far away.

Follow-Up Questions:
 Would you have taken on the challenge that Mella did?
 If you were a dragon keeper, what would you name your dragons and why?

Extension Activities:
Make sure to check out this website and download the dragon hunt!  It's a super fun activity!
Read the first few chapters online at:


  1. I am almost done with this sunshine state book! Its sooooo epic!

  2. Dragons Egg is one of the best books i ever read. I like the part when an Emperor Eagle chased after Roger. Im on page 150

  3. Collin,
    Let me know what you think after you finish the book.

  4. Dragon egg is the best book I ever read in my life i wish they make dragon egg the second book also i fishished all the sunshine state book

  5. I would have taken the challenge because it sounds exciting and adventueres. plus Mella got to meet real dragons .exept when Mella had thought she lost the egg.

  6. Yes! I would to save a gift from god and save the dragon circle of life.

  7. I have no idea what to name a dragon I would probaly have to have a dragon for experience.But Iwould name the dragon for it's personality.

  8. I would want to do the challenge because it's an ADVENTURE! If I was a dragonkeeper I would name my dragons Shiny because the scales glisteneds in the sunlight and Zip-Zap because it shoots out lightning bolts out of it's mouth. ,Tristan

  9. Yes I would because it seems like an awesome adventure that a bored boy or girl would want to go on. I would also want to save a dragon's egg and actually see dragons in real life because it seems cool.

    If I was a dragon keeper I would name my dragons name the same thing as them because I like the names of their dragons.

    I really liked the book and I think the ending of the book was so cute because the baby golden dragon got up on Mella and I thought it was cute.

  10. No because I do not want to be kidnapped and it is too dangerous. My dragon's name would be Fire because it is a fire
    breathing dragon.

    1. I would agree with you ,Carl lll

    2. I would agree with you both

  11. Yes I would accpet the challenge becsuse she got to see a lot of dragons and had a great adventure and it sound exciting.

    I would name my dragon Gizzele because it is a beautiful name and it is my sister's name. And my next dragon's name would be Bethany becsuse it sound like it from the sea.

  12. 1. YES, because she went face to face with a real dragon and one dragon egg hactes evrey 100 year's and a dyeing dragon ask me to and if I don't it will be blamed on me for letting it die.

    2. I would mame my dragon's Littlegold and Bigblack because one would be little and gold and another will be big and black.

  13. 1.Yes! I would it sonds like a cool adventure.And the fath of that egg is in my hands.I would keep my promise and keep the egg safe and worm. 2.I would named the fisty one snake,and The loving one love,and the portecting one dog and the smalist one cut.

  14. No I won't take the challenge because I have to battle alain ,emperor eagle and climb a huge tree.

  15. I would have helped Mella with her challange to see the egg hatch.

    But if I was a dragon keeper I would name the little chick super sonic!!!

  16. Dragons egg is one of the best sunshine state books ever if I had dragons I would have fire breathing dragons.

    No, I wouldnt accept the challenge because it would be to dangerous. I could get very hurt.

    I would name my dragons Winter, Fire, Fall or Spring. I would name them those names because they remind me of all of the celabrations that have past over the times with my family.

  17. No, it might be scary beacuse I don't want to be in danger.

    I would name the dragons Sparkles and Emily because I like two of those names.

  18. I would it looks iike fun taking an adventure like Mella did and I could see a real dragon.

  19. yes! I would take the challenge beause I keep my word and sounds like a supper cool ADVENTURE! beause when my teacher read the book I thought the stuff mella and rodger did was so COOL! and I would name my dragons If I was a dragon keeper I would name my dragon hailey

  20. 1. I would of taken the challenge because I love dragons. and I would take the challenge because if I did not the yung dragon would die and then no baby dragons for a long long time (100 years)

    2.I would have 3 dragons.2 are girls named selena and the other Megal.And 1 boy named Butterball because he would eat and looklikes butter.Megal would be golden and selena would be black and sparkly.

  21. I am impressed with how many of you would take on the Challenge! I also love all the Dragon names you came up with!
